Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just Geekin'

Hello all,

Today I wanted to do something other than I normally do, so I figured on getting some 'geek' on. Actually, I geek pretty much everyday. Anyways, I went ahead and made a 'Persona' for the Firefox web browser. It's an add-on that places an image background in the header and footer of your Firefox browser. (I prefer most things non-MS)

Here's the link if you want to check it out (Shameless Plug of self-promotion). The persona features Mo, from my upcoming Children's book and Animated short. It's the same guy you see above in the blog header. I figured if you couldn't get enough plastic cuteness and had to navigate from this blog, you could keep him on your browser for constant distraction!


  1. Aloha Dale,

    I like Firefox, it is a good browser.

  2. Thanks, Kini. I like Firefox too, since it is not part of the MS operating system(OS) and if it ever gets hacked, the hacker does not have access to the base kernel of the OS.

    -To those not knowing MS-speak, that means that the hacker cannot access the base commands that run Microsoft XP, Vista, 7, whatever operating system your computer runs in...

    Now (hypnotic voice), download the Moe Persona... download the Moe Persona... ^_^.
