Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello all,

IMHO I think that our kid's time span of 'childhood' is shrinking. The amount of information available (and not so good info) is staggering and most children grow up way too fast. As parents, we rush around taking care of work (I'm laid-off, so I find myself busier than ever between my 'Start up', running errands and the Honey-do list) and having not much time to let kids be kids. I really can't say that I agree with the amount of academia our kids have on them today. We need more culture, people - too much 'reality', sports, competitiveness, rude behavior and pushing kids (not in that order), I believe contributes to the shocking headlines of these poor kids when they snap.

(OK, I'll get off my soap box and onto the point of the post ^_^)

Last week I played a small gig in this great spot called Kindergarten. It's right down the road and I suggest it to any Dad that has a talent for playing music. Really Dad's, they won't miss you that much at work if you call in sick (hint-hint), and if you're laid-off, absolutely no excuses... There was no money involved, took me a few hours for prep. of materials, some practicing, and the payback was immense!

Ally on the left, my late brother George's guitar, center...

There is an activity called 'Centers' in Mrs. Bray's Kindergarten class. It's where a volunteer parent (I'm the only Dad so far) comes in and does an activity with the class. This is the second one I have done. Last time, I read "Don't let the Pigeon ride the Bus" - one of my favorites from Mo Willems (since the kids get involved and get to say 'No' during the book) and then the kids put together Construction paper buses which I cut out the day before.

Good Times.

This time I sang "Bingo", "This Old Man" with cue cards for the kids to follow along.

I also did Ice Cream Man by VH for the potty break,
and No - Eddie VH, I am NOT ^_^.
Check out the kid in green - right back at ya, bro.

I believe that steeping kids in the classics is paramount. After that, it was 3 books including "Parts", and 2 Dr. Seuss - "Sneeches on the Beaches" and "Fox in Socks". I can't really say which of the Dr.'s books are my favorites - they both are so great.

If you are looking for the defacto standard
of tongue-twisters to read to kids, "Fox in Socks" is it.
Thanks to Mr. Wigley (my son's 5th grade teacher) for having me
read it for his class, introducing me to a wonderful book
that is a challenge to read at a normal pace and gets the kids giggling.
(I ran out and bought it that day)

The payback I mentioned came that Friday afternoon. My Wife went in to school for "Tea time with Mom" for Mother's day, and she spoke with a few of the Moms there - she is one of the 'Room Mom's for Ally's class. They said that their kids were singing "Bingo" and "This old Man" out of the blue. When asked, they said some Dad came in with a guitar and they all sang together - SCORE!!!

I plan on doing an encore next month, so if you have any suggestions - I'm all ears. And remember friends, Don't play down to kids - just play with them.

thanks for listening...


  1. you are awesome Dale!!!!!


  2. Thanks man, The kids had a good time - and that is what it's all about. Any ideas for other songs to play??

  3. This is the reward as a teacher!!! Parents, kids, teachers...all learning and playing. It really is not what we teach the kids, but what the kids teach us!

  4. Aloha Dale,
    Wonderful Post! It reminds me of our jams long ago, that I miss, so very much.

    A suggestion for future songs.

    Save your money. Like Bees make Honey.
    Live your means. Don't Lose your beans.
    Play your Life. Live within your light.
    Succeed in Life. Give back to the light.

    My random thoughts, and musings, after reading this post. Don't know if this helps, but I would love, so much to play with you and the kids again. I miss that very much. Brings tears to my eyes.

    I am listening...

  5. "A Fly Went By" was always a big hit when I read it to the kids. Also, "Walter The Farting Dog" is always a hoot.

  6. Dale - I asked Nick about you coming in to the classroom and we got into a Bingo jam session while preparing lunch!

  7. Excellent stuff, Sue! That's how it works. Sing a song, sing it together and the world goes around. Thanks for sharing.
