Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MS Office Advanced: Issue Converting docs to PDF's

Hi there.

Have you ever had that frustrating occurrence when you try to make a PDF from a Microsoft Word doc, and the computer tells you it can't find PDFMaker and asks if you want to reinstall in ...yada, yada... 'What does this error message mean'-land? Note that MS Word and Acrobat Professional are installed in this instance...

Here's a fix:

1. Close all MS Office Apps.

2. In Explorer, go to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates' (note: this was done in XP).
a. If you see a file named '~$Normal', you have not clo
sed all of the MS Office programs. go back to Step 1.
b. Rename to anything else (You can delete this file after this is fixed).

3. Open MS Word
a. In the drop-down menu, click on Help > About.b. This brings up a dialog box, at the bottom, click on 'Disabled Items...'(Button)
c. If 'PDFMaker' is showing up in the dialog box
, Re-enable PDFMaker by clicking on the name in the box.
d. Click on the 'Enable' button.

4. Close and open MS Word.

5. Try Word to PDF conversion and see if it works.

worked on my issue. If this didn't work, I'm sorry - you'll have to keep on searching for the solution...

...thanks for listening...

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